It’s crazy to believe that we are just over halfway through our trip. It has been an incredible trip, and one I am very grateful to be on. I have made so many new connections with people not only in our group, but also the people we have met here in Meru. Today we went over to a worksite that the kids of KACH stayed at during Covid. It was really cool to see the work that they had accomplished during their time there and hear the stories from the university students who were a part of it. To continue the work there Dr. K wanted us to begin the fencing of a garden to keep critters out. We worked together with some of the older kids of KACH, and the students of St. Thomas to move logs to the garden, and place them to where they would eventually be the fence posts, and we were able to dig some holes for the posts before we had to head back to Tiriji for lunch. After we had lunch, which was so good, we went on a sunset hike. We ended up missing the sunset because we tried to look for elephants in the forest, but I wasn’t even upset. The view was still the most incredible thing I have ever seen, and the way the sun was hitting the mountains in the horizon was so beautiful and made me reflect on everything I have learned on this trip, and excited for what’s to come.
-Grace Wainwright