Applications closed for 2024.

Teaching Environmental Education



27th of July, 2023


Costa Rica (Turtles II)

Today we spent a lot of time with kids from a school in Coyote. We arrived and began an activity that explained the predators of newly hatched turtles to the students. Then we were given costumes that portrayed the predators while the kids dressed up in turtle costumes. We played a game of tag, where we attempted to tag the kids before they could “get to the ocean from the beach”.

Lunch was at a new restaurant, where most of us got either a dish called Casado, which is any type of meat with salad, beans, and rice, or quesadillas. Then we went to the market and purchased several snacks that have become quite a hit over the course of the trip, such as plantain chips. We walked over to the Turtle Trax and the group got T-shirts and woven bracelets.

The kids then arrived at the office and we began helping them create bracelets. They got to pick out the colors of string, and we helped them tying the knots, even if they were tied to our own toes! It was a really great experience, being able to teach something I love to do. I found it a bit challenging talking to them in Spanish, but the amount of practice I got really made me feel glad to be where I was.

Today was an amazing day because I learned that even if I have a difficult time with our activities here, my contributions make a difference to everyone I am helping.



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