Applications closed for 2024.

First Day of Hatchery Work


Ellie D

24th of July, 2023


Costa Rica (Turtles II)

Today was our groups first day of service work! We began our day with an early breakfast from our wonderful chefs and then hopped on the bus to the turtle hatchery. We split up into groups working on patching holes in the netting, weeding to create a path, and removing nails from the posts in order to set up the hatchery later on in the day! During our breaks we would try and get coconuts down from the trees to drink from and we all discovered that they can be quite difficult to break open. We came back to the house for lunch and had some free time before heading back to the hatchery. Many of us walked along the beach, read our books, or made a whirlpool out of the house pool. Later in the afternoon for our second shift at the beach, we split up again into two groups working on building the hatchery and placing posts along the beaches to mark areas for people on the nightly turtle patrols! I loved making markers for the patrollers because we got to paint and put up the markers, while walking down the beach to our next spot. While walking our group found many beautiful shells and we even found some hermit crabs along the way. At the end of the day the girls all took a swim in the ocean to cool off! It felt so nice so get off all of the sand ! Tomorrow we are headed to a plant nursery and we are all very excited to meet Edgar who we are told is the conservation master! Looking forward to many more fun moments!



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