Applications closed for 2024.

Visiting a Local School


Leila K

26th of July, 2023


Costa Rica (Turtles II)

Today we went to a local school and had the opportunity to work with the children there. We did an activity where we were able to teach the kids about insects while practicing our Spanish. Afterwards, we played soccer on their field and built bonds with the children. In the afternoon, we came back to the house and had a restful afternoon after many hard days of work. We went to the beach and played in the waves and then had a delicious dinner. We all came together as a group after dinner and discussed our highlights of the day and what the activities we did meant to us.

Today I learned that I love working with younger children. In the future, I would like to volunteer more and work with young kids as the friendships you make with them are very important. It can help you become a better person and can help inspire them too.



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