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29th of June, 2019
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One Week Later
Quinn: One week ago today we were all awkwardly lounging in the Miami Airport. Silence was one of the favorite activities. It’s weird how now we play card games and connect on deeper levels. It takes time for most things to become better. For example: wine, indie films, naps. But it took less than a...
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text letter_spacing=””]Today our group awoke back at the Shechen Guest House where we first started our trip in Nepal. Although the stay in this hotel is luxurious with hot showers and delicious food, it is also bitter sweet as it is the near end of our trip. Following a breakfast of pancakes and eggs, Shawn...
It has been the greatest of honors to be entrusted with your students this summer. I know you’ve been missing them at home, and soon will have them back with stories, souvenirs and suntans. This was the first year we (Ade and Matthew) worked with SStS and the first year that we’ve met the wonderful...