Applications closed for 2024.

4th of July

Lukas – Happy 4th of July! Today was our day of exploration and recovery after 2 hard days of work with the Greater New Orleans Iris Society. We started the day with an adventure to Bourbon Street. From there, we drove to “The Fly,” the local city park, where we picnicked and played a sweaty…

Iris Rescue and Reflections on Basketball

Reid – My favorite part of the day was when we replanted the irises. This was my favorite because it was our first hard work experience. Since I signed up for this trip, I’ve been waiting to go into the swamp and get some real work in. I was sad to find out that that…

Day 2: Working in the Nursery and Philosophizing with Smitty

We had out first full day of work with Common Ground Relief today, beginning with an orientation from Thom and Britt. We then spent time in the tree nursery and had a great dinner with local resident “Smitty” who share his thoughts on all life with us. Below are Casey and Eleri’s reflections on the…

Day 1 – Jazz Brunch and Krishna Temple

We spent our first day exploring the French Quarter and taking in the diverse culture of the city of New Orleans. Below are reflections from Vishal and Joe on the Jazz Brunch and Krishna Ceremony and dinner. Check out the video from Jazz brunch posted to the SStS instagram account as well! Stay tuned for…

NOLA Crew: Arrived!

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Welcome to the New Orleans Travel Journal

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text letter_spacing=””]The travel journal will be the place for students to share their experience while traveling. Once the students are on-site, they are asked to post reflections, observations, pictures, stories, poems, and more. Our whole community appreciates the opportunity to be part of the group’s adventure, and as the course comes to an end, each…



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