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Day 1 – Jazz Brunch and Krishna Temple


Vishal and Joe

01st of July, 2019


New Orleans '19

We spent our first day exploring the French Quarter and taking in the diverse culture of the city of New Orleans. Below are reflections from Vishal and Joe on the Jazz Brunch and Krishna Ceremony and dinner. Check out the video from Jazz brunch posted to the SStS instagram account as well! Stay tuned for another update about our first day of service work with Common Ground Relief!

Vishal –
On the first day of our trip, I witnessed some magnificent things, but of all these things, I thought that the most memorable moment was jazz brunch at Buffa’s. Buffa’s is a restaurant with great food and an incredible atmosphere. The most interesting part about Buffa’s, however, is the jazz band that plays there every day. As they were playing, I felt like I was introduced to a new style of jazz and enjoyed every single moment of it. One part I really enjoyed, was when the jazz band started to play a rather slow tempo jazz piece compared to the fast, energetic environment that surrounded me. I felt the lights mellow down, and that is when I really saw the beauty of jazz. I saw all of the locals singing to the song with smiles on their faces, and I understood that jazz brought most people together during harsh times. Overall, I thought that it was an amazing experience for everyone because it introduced the music side of New Orleans to all of us. In the end, I really thought that this was the best part of today, and I cannot wait to see what will happen in the days ahead.

Joe –
Throughout the first day of this wonderful trip I deepened friendships, experienced new things, and enjoyed every second. On Sunday evening we attended a Hindu religious service. This service was a great experience and it truly deepened my understanding of and connection to this religion. I witnessed the singing, dancing, and devotion involved with being Hindu; however, the best part was seeing this all of the people with smiles on their faces. I was reluctant to participate at first, but throughout the long process I slowly came out of my shell and started to speak up and not be afraid. One instance that helped me participate was being taken by the wrist and led into the circle of loud dancing people. I was scared in the moment, as I did not know the music, the dances, or the people. At that moment all I could hear was the loud thump of the drums and the clinks of the small metal instruments.
The second part of the service was the polar opposite, we all sat there simply listening and observing. There was no singing, no dancing and no real movement at this time, just the rare shout of Hare Krishna. I began to reflect on the importance of devotion in religious ceremonies. There were many differences between Hinduism and other religions, but it was a great experience and probably the last thing I expected when I signed up for the New Orleans course. After the service, we ate traditional Indian style vegetarian food. Overall attending this service had me nervous, happy, and even scared at times, but I now have a greater understanding of another religious tradition. It was a great day and I am looking forward to getting into our service work tomorrow.



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