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Meditating on Change



03rd of July, 2022


Active Programs

Nepal '22

Today was our last day at Arhaus Children’s Home. When we came downstairs to leave all the kids were waiting to say goodbye and give us hugs. It was a bitter sweet goodbye, I was excited to start our trek & begin a new journey but I didn’t want to leave my new friends. In the short time I was there I felt like I was at home, it was so cozy and welcoming and everyone there was so kind. After a few tears and lots of hugs, we were on our way to the tea house we would be staying at.
     The trek was beautiful, there was so much greenery and the mountains were blanketed in fog. There were some parts that were hard and I wanted to quit, but I just kept telling myself that once I made it to the tea house I could take a nap (which I did).
    The things that stuck with me the most today would be when we went to the monastery and meditated. It was completely silent, all you could hear was the wind, trees, water, and your thoughts. I thought about many things, what I would eat for dinner, how many miles we hiked, and what my part in the world was. I did think about deeper things I promise, but lately I’ve been thinking of what my presence in the world means. Will I be able to fix things that I don’t think are good in the world or will I do nothing. By being on this trip I  believe I am beginning to, hopefully, make a change.


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