Today was our second day of working on our project here at the island.
We started the day off right with a little change in our diet this
morning, eating noodles instead of rice. We then headed back to our
work sites and quickly started where we had left off. Our two groups
came together along with many of the village kids to complete part of
the chicken coop. I was inspired to see so many of these kids insist
on helping because they wanted to, not because they had to. We all
shared some laughter and rest time while playing with the kids. It was
so cool to see how creative these kids are and watch their faces light
up when we joined their games. We then took a lunch break and listened
to one of the village elders tell us about his experiences during the
Pol Pot regime. Seeing our different cultures come together today to
accomplish something great really made me realize how much all people
are the same. I never really imagined the language barrier would have
such a huge impact as it does, but that hasn’t stopped any of us from
trying our best to communicate with our host families, our coworkers
on the projects and all the kids.