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“But Isn’t That How Life Works?”



02nd of July, 2016


Nepal '16

Part One

For the past week, we have been fortunate enough to have a well-trained yogi teach us yoga. Although his teachings are more Buddhist-related, the messages learned can apply to anyone willing to open their hearts. For example, he told the group that some people meditate for up to 50 years and still have trouble connecting themselves to the universe, and when something like this happens, it can question one’s faith. But  isn’t that how life works? A leap of faith here, and a leap of faith there? Another idea that came to mind was about accepting one’s surroundings. Nothing in life is ever going to be perfect, appealing to your every need. Instead, one should learn to live with what they have and make the best of it. And finally, the most important lesson was to live in the moment, not worrying about what has happened or what will happen. Just live in the present, stay true to what you believe in, and God will take care of the rest.

(by editor’s choice, the second of Sam’s profound reflection will be published next week)



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