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Greenhouse Work and Hiking



18th of July, 2023


Costa Rica (Turtles I)

Today we woke up early in order to be at the greenhouse on time. When we arrived at the greenhouse, Edger split the group up into smaller groups who would each completely different tasks. One group transplanted trees from small pots to large bags which were reused. Another group fixed the mesh along the greenhouse with a staple gun. The last group was building a seed bed. After hours of working hard in the heat, we went to a local soda for lunch. Edger made the smart decision to go to the beach for a while to rest before our hike because everyone was tired. We saw lots of dogs and crabs at the beach. After everyone’s energy was back up, we started the hike. Edger talked to us about different animals, plants, and trees along the hike. We saw many Howler monkeys along the way up to the destination spot. After walking up hill for half a mile, we saw a gorgeous view of the ocean. We stopped at that spot for around 30 minutes. We heard many stories from Edger as we relaxed on the ground and took photos. When we got back home it started pouring and the rain was very relaxing. We had some free time before dinner and ended the day with a group discussion in a circle, reflecting on our group relationships and playing a game.



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