Applications closed for 2024.

First Day of Hatchery Work



16th of July, 2023


Costa Rica (Turtles I)

Today we woke up bright and early at 6:30 for a delicious breakfast cooked by our awesome chef! We had pancakes and fruit, and then we headed to the hatchery. At the hatchery, we met some amazing researchers who truly care so deeply about the work they are doing. We helped out by splitting into groups and carrying logs, mending nets, and painting signs. It was inspiring to see all the hard work we did pay off, and it made us excited to go back again tomorrow to continue building the hatchery. After finishing up our day at the hatchery, we headed back to the house for some free time and dinner. Some of us swam in the ocean and saw the beautiful sunset from the water, and others went in the pool or hung out outside. We just enjoyed another great meal, and later tonight we will be doing our first night patrol!



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