Applications closed for 2024.

Final Day in Detroit: From Peaks to a Mountain Range

Today marked our last full day in Detroit. We started the day by going to a local bagel place (Detroit Institute of Bagels) for breakfast where we got our fill of rosemary olive oil bagels before heading to a park for our last group learning activities. We spent nearly 3 hours discussing nuggets of wisdom,…

Day 5 in Detroit: Eggplants

Today, the group traveled an hour outside the city to volunteer at Forgotten Harvest’s farm in Fenton. All of us had a blast harvesting vegetables- especially me (Sarah) as I now found my new calling as an eggplant farmer… can’t wait to tell my parents! After harvesting the eggplants and zucchinis, we planted about an…

Day 4 in Detroit: Rescuing Food

This morning we went to Forgotten Harvest. This is an organization that takes excess food from local grocery stores and delivers them to the people in need. First, we sorted bread, cucumbers, and meat sticks. The bread will go out to local children, who are usually provided lunch by the schools. In the summer, this…

Day 3 in Detroit: Compassion & Commodities

Today we worked at Focus: Hope to deliver the packaged boxes we made yesterday along with some corn flakes. But for me (Re: Avery), the surprises and fun started much earlier. I woke up this morning to balloons, some signs, and an awesome card- signed with notes by everyone else in the group. I’m still…

Day 2 in Detroit: The City of Energy

We spent most of the day working with Focus: HOPE.  We started out by touring some of the facilities. We saw a school and walked into the gym where they were teaching some kids a song. We watched them dance and sing for a little while and it filled me with so much hope for…

Day 1 in Detroit

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text letter_spacing=””]Today, we spoke with many inspirational and trailblazing people from various nonprofits: NSO (Neighborhood Service Organization), Avalon Village, and the Heidelberg Project. James Carrie, who works at NSO’s homeless drop-in center, shared his vision for the people who come into the shelter. James does not want to manage homelessness, he wants to end homelessness….



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