To begin our field study in Peru, we explored the beautiful city of Iquitos! After fueling up at the hostel (The Jungle Hostel), we headed out into the city on Tuk-Tuks (motor powered bike taxis), our first stop being the city’s main market. The sensory experience was unmatched, with smells coming from left and right, and at times we felt overstimulated. While mostly filled with fresh meat, vegetables, fruits, spices, and other delicacies, we found ethnobotanical medicines. Exploring the local environment was exciting, but we left to see an animal conservatory filled with animals that had suffered as a result of animal trafficking. Our guide, Sebastian helped us understand the animals’ stories and how the conservatory was helping re-introduce them into the ecosystem. Mother manatees are often killed by locals who want to keep their babies as pets. The babies are taken in by the conservatory where they are bottle-fed baby formula and later re-introduced to the Amazon River. Sebastian and his co-workers partner with the kids in the surrounding communities in order to stop future poachings. Hearing about how the kids were so integral to the process of protecting animals inspired us to act similarly when interacting with the environment and its communities. On the way back to the city we stopped for lunch at a restaurant known for its fish, chicken and plantains. Next, we visited a museum which was used in the late 19th century as a rubber steamship. The rubber industry largely affected the development of Iquitos, with the navy investing in the extraction of rubber, thereby paving roads and clearing rivers. After traveling through different parts of the city, we went to dinner and feasted on pasta and paiche. As we walked home, many dogs and cats followed us and while they certainly wanted to be pet, we were not allowed to as some could be carrying diseases. We also saw a Michael Jackson cosplayer and a man who emulated main character energy in camo. Our biggest take away from the day was how important it is that we listen so our help impacts the community in a positive way.
Written by: Marie (Josie) B. & Courtney C.