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Wheel Barrows, Pavers, and Justin Bieber


Austin A

25th of June, 2024


Kenya '24

This week, I have earned a few new bruises and a few new rips in my previously brand-new pants. Whether it was moving sand from point A to point B, or following “uncle” Silas’s paver pattern, I am always left with a little something. Most often, it’s not a tear or a cut, but a memory or a piece of Knowledge gained.

While hauling sand and rock, I learned about my peers, and what their home towns were like. I studied the plants along the way, hoping that distracting my eyes would lighten the wheelbarrow in front of me. A special memory, one that stands out to me at least, is the sound of “Sorry” by Justin Bieber being sung by 6 SStS kids and 4 people who actually knew what they were doing. As we laid the brick we all danced and attempted to harmonize to this 2017 anthem. While the callouses formed beneath my fingers, I listened and watched the joy pour out of everyone in the surrounding area. the somewhat boring work was brought to life by the shared music, and the contagious, unrelenting joy.



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