Today for lunch, we ate at one of the restaurants we have already eaten at, but since most restaurants here have a menu of the day, we ate totally different food. It was absolutely amazing and if the food was like that in the US, McDonalds would go out of business. When I was younger, I was not a very adventurous eater, I live off of chicken nuggets and Mac n cheese. I knew this trip would challenge me to try new foods, but didn’t expect it to change my attitude towards food. Although my chicken and noodles was really good, I would not have been able to enjoy my food as much as I did if all of the judgement was not gone and didn’t trust in the food I was eating. I tried the stuffed pepper even though I had no idea what was in it and it didn’t look like anything I would try in the States and it was still so good. Even the difference between my attitude towards today’s food and yesterday’s food is extremely noticeable. Yesterday, when they gave us the soup, which seems to be always the start of a Bolivian meal, they gave it to us with a piece of fatty beef with the bone and the marrow in the soup. As a person who doesn’t eat red meat, this made me very discouraged to eat and enjoy the soup, even though it was very delicious thinking back now. It’s a lot easier to enjoy the food I’m given when I’m confident eating it, which is why it made me so happy to be eating all of the amazing food, such as fried fish and cheesecake.
Trying New Foods
Bolivia Crew
04th of July, 2019
Bolivia '19