Since the beginning of our trip we have been welcomed with open arms by the Native American community at the healing camp. The healing camp encompassed the general meaning of tiospaye, which roughly means extended family. We have been able to interact and play with many of the children. The kids greeted us with smiling faces and were more than willing to get to know us. We were lucky enough to play tag, soccer, volleyball, red rover, and many more fun activities. Playing with the kids allowed us to form a connection with them and bridge that gap that was originally formed by our differences.
Later that day, the community prepared an amazing welcoming ceremony. During this time, we went around in a circle of over 60 people sharing our struggles, stories, and expectations for the time at the camp. This allowed us to understand many of the misfortunes that have been placed among them. We were so surprised by how open each of them were with their personal thoughts and stories. To wrap up the evening, the elders of the community turned off the lights and sang and chanted one of their traditional songs to wish us well into the night. The song gave us goose bumps and immersed us in their culture. We are excited to learn more about them and their culture and are grateful that they welcomed us into their lives.