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11th of July, 2016
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Witnessing the Wide Smiles
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text letter_spacing=””]* This post was written on July 6 but not sent until the group returned to Urubamba yesterday. This past week we had the most amazing opportunity to work alongside the community members of Quishuarani (“key-swa-rani”). We faced many challenges including teaching in the lingua-franca of a Quechua Spanish combination, transporting an endless amount...
Throughout this one day, I feel like the group has accomplished its entire mission here as Students Shoulder-to-Shoulder. We have all creating lasting bonds with the people here, halfway across the world, despite the language barrier, and despite our very different backgrounds. I think I’ve really learned what it means to connect with someone with...
We received word from our course instructor team that students are continuing their project work in Dora. We will share a photo here and a few more on Instagram @studentsshouldertoshoulder