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02nd of July, 2024
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Snowing Wool
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text letter_spacing=””]Starting off the day, we traveled to a few monasteries, Lhamo Tse and Dotje Drek, that were close to the hotel in which we spent the night. These monasteries were incredibly interesting, but I’d like to take a moment to describe one moment in particular. As we left our first monastery, sheep wool that monks...
The day started out on a sad note. We were leaving Rancho Quemado and had to say goodbye to Alice, Glenda, Hope, and more of the amazing people who had taken care of us over the past week or so. I didn’t realize how much we had bonded until it was time to say goodbye....
Culture of Safety: How We Keep Teens Safe on International Service Learning Trips
Culture of Safety: How Students Shoulder-to-Shoulder Keeps Teens Safe on International Service Learning Trips International travel can be a life-changing experience for students, opening their eyes to different cultures, lifestyles, and social challenges. However, safety should always remain a top priority when young people engage in field studies studies abroad. At Students Shoulder-to-Shoulder, a safety...