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08th of November, 2024
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Learning About Sustainable Development
The SStS Nursery and Building Teams: The building we are currently working on is going to be more lodging and meeting space at Tiriji, their eco-center that will be used for leadership conferences and other income generating services, including bio-intensive agricultural training. Another self-sustaining aspect of the KACH model is organic agriculture. Today we prepared...
When I signed up for this trip I expected many things: cute kids, foreign animals, and long days of labor. However, I never expected spending 11 nights in a small room with 10 girls that I can now call my close friends. I never expected to find a gecko in our room at night nor...
Today started like any normal day. We woke up, ate breakfast, and did our permaculture work. My group finally finished the metal sheet fencing while the other group weeded a bit and finished up composting any beds we did not finish. We then took our group photos with our SStS shirts. Then, we had teatime....