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Closing Reflections from the New Orleans Crew


SStS New Orleans Group

29th of June, 2018


New Orleans '18

Overall this trip taught me a lot about community service and trying things out of my comfort zone. I’ve learned about gardening and as well as the importance of teamwork. At first, I was very nervous about coming on this trip, but now that it’s almost over, I realized that I’m going to miss it a lot and I’m thankful for the people on this trip, the things I’ve learned, and the memories.

Working side-by-side with the locals, other students, and volunteers has been an amazing experience. If anyone had told me that this summer I would be trudging on hands and knees through mud and alligators in a swamp in New Orleans, I would not have believed it. But after a great week of challenging my comfort zone, I know that I would not trade the memories I have made for anything.

I have really enjoyed this trip and would definitely recommend it to any student. Working multiple hours per day with locals and students taught me a lot about how much the community needs help and how easy it can be to volunteer anywhere. This trip really challenged me in many ways including getting out of my comfort zone in the swamp or at the house. I have made so many new memories this past week that I will never forget.

This trip was very enjoyable and I experienced so many new things, and I can’t wait to tell my friends and family. I have been to New Orleans a lot of times in my life, and this trip managed to give me a totally experience. It taught me so much about this community that I had no idea about. I have made so many great memories and friendships that I will never forget.

I learned a lot on this trip and I think any student who comes in the future would have a very similar experience. I originally came on this trip because I had wanted to go on a service trip for a while and I thought the work and cultural experience sounded cool. I think we really got to experience New Orleans and learn a lot about the community and I can’t wait to tell everyone about it.

During my time in NOLA, I have learned a lot about the culture, people, and myself. I learned about the special bond the people here have with one another, and how “roots run deep,” especially in the Lower Ninth Ward. Every day I was able to go further out of my comfort zone, especially when planting in the muddy swamp. I overcame my fears and learned the importance of integrity and perseverance. I cannot wait to go back home and share my incredible experience with my peers.

When I came to New Orleans I wanted to go back home immediately, the people seemed weird. Then as I came to know them I realized that I had a lot of similar experiences with some of them in my life. Over the days the friendship grew to a point where I will never forget the friendship….ever.

When I first got here I was the last one to arrive and was kinda scared. Even though this was my first time flying by myself I quickly got comfortable with being in a swamp with a bunch of strangers. I will never forget the laughs, sounds, and scares that happened in the last week. Thanks for an unforgettable time!

I had a great time in NOLA. We worked hard and had fun. When I came here I didn’t think it was going to be as awesome as it was. We all had a unforgettable awkward lunch, but by the end of the second day, we felt like we had known each other forever. I feel great about the work we did for the people of Louisiana. I feel like I got to know what the Louisiana stands for. I can’t wait to go back and share with my community

This trip has been quite the experience for me. I was privileged to work with some amazing people and to actively contribute to the wellbeing of NOLA. Not only did I learn about the failures of bureaucracy and the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, but I learned about myself as well. I struggled with homesickness and other irrational worries and discomforts along the way, but at the end of the day I overcame them. While there have been lows, there have also been some astounding highs on this trip and I am glad that I partook in it. I will return more knowledgeable, muddier, and with many memories to carry with me.

Before the trip I thought I would be very out of my comfort zone as far as working in the swamp. I now have a love of fast boats and the wetlands. Pulling up to the marsh worksite the first day, I was confused as to why there were people in the middle of a huge body of water. Now all I want to do is go back out and plant. I actually had a ton of fun and it was truly an experience hopping off the boat each day. I also haven’t laughed this hard in a while. I constantly am trying to breathe because the laughter just won’t stop. The group is one of a kind and the things we’ve done together don’t seem real to anyone who wasn’t there. The swamp has become my comfort zone.
-Pink Princess

I feel very lucky that I was able to go on this trip this summer. I began the trip slowly, I was shy and nervous for the week ahead of me. I noticed once we began working, I was forced to come out of my comfort zone and bond with the other students. Not only did I learn a lot about New Orleans and the wetlands, I learned a lot about myself. The memories that I have made during this trip are definitely highlights of my summer, and ones I will never forget.



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