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WhatsApp Image 2019-07-05 at 5.37.25 PM
05th of July, 2019
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Jungle Mike's
This morning we went to Jungle Mike’s. He’s an entomologist from the US who moved to Costa Rica over 20 years ago. He showed us around his open-air butterfly farm, and taught us a lot about different bugs in the area. Many of us caught butterflies, and tried eating some termites. He told us that...
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text letter_spacing=””]On our second day in the Black Hills, we had many exciting cultural experiences. One of which was building a traditional tipi. The men built a tipi first, followed by the women. The tipi is considered a woman’s place and her responsibility. The young Lakota women and the girls on our trip learned that...