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Our Village Tour



07th of July, 2018


Kenya '18

July 2 (this post was written last week but just sent to the SStS office today)

Hello my name is Brianna; and I am honored to share my experience during this trip so far. Today was an amazing day! Us girls got to sleep in for an extra hour, we ate a great breakfast, and even had time to meet some new faces. In the AM, SStS had the chance to have a tour of the KACH program, got to see and understand how the village grows their crops, tour some of their workshops, and many more.

I felt that today was the chance to really experience the Kenyan culture and visualize their traditions. Later on, we had another tour; but this time it was the whole village. Seeing uplifting, spiritual, open people, and the overall culture has really changed my life. The younger faces just melt my heart. They just come up to you and greet you with their open arms. It’s just wonderful how great, creative, and loving the children are over here.

During this experience I have become a humble and open minded person. I learned not to judge, to speak to others, and to just say hello to anyone I see. Life in Meru, Nairobi, well Kenya is just beautiful. I see myself coming back later on in life to visit Kenya and the KACH family. No matter how much I hate bugs!



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