20 June 2022 Yet another fantastic day filled with many amazing experiences here in Panama! We kicked it off with lesson planning for the remainder of our days at the community centers and a very informational meeting with The Sea Turtle Man. With the information he shared with us, we all gained greater respect and...
Lukas – Happy 4th of July! Today was our day of exploration and recovery after 2 hard days of work with the Greater New Orleans Iris Society. We started the day with an adventure to Bourbon Street. From there, we drove to “The Fly,” the local city park, where we picnicked and played a sweaty...
Getting to know people who do not live in the same area as you is kind of hard but at the same time it helps better yourself and because we did not have out phones it made us be able to connect more, also the pressure of looking good is relaxed, the feelings of having...