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How Do You Say, “I Have A Gift For You?”



04th of July, 2019


Panama '19

Travel Journal

Everyday that we have been in Bocas Del Toro, two of my group members and I have spent an hour at a local restaurant in Cristobol teaching the moms who own the restaurant English. We spent our time teaching them common restaurant phrases such as what would you like to eat, my name is, and how are you. Before we began teaching, most of the moms did not know a single word in English, and today on our second to last day they could almost all carry a simple conversation in English. Watching their progress and spending time with these local moms has been a highlight of this trip for me. Today they asked us how to say, I have a gift for you. They proceeded to give each of us a handmade bag that was created with recycled plastic. They told us that the bags take approximately two months to make and that they wanted us to take them home with us. For them, these gifts demonstrated their appreciation for us and the time we spent teaching them English. To me, they symbolize the connection that I have made with these moms and how much I have enjoyed spending an hour of my time there everyday. At the end of our time today they asked for our phone numbers and emails to keep in touch when we return to the USA. One of the things I will miss most about Bocas Del Toro is not only teaching, but especially spending time with these moms in their restaurant.



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