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An Eye Opening Experience



28th of June, 2018


Nepal '18

Hey all, I’m Julian. Nepal so far has been such an eye-opening and amazing experience. Living among the families has really brought out the fact that we are so fortunate to have what we have in our lives. In the states, we have access to machines and are able to build schools, buildings, and houses with ease. Here in the rural villages of Nepal, they have to build everything by hand. It’s completely different and it reveals how a lot of the world really is. I think that having the knowledge and exposure to this at such a young age provokes action to make these situations better in the future because the youth is what really will make an impact.

We’ve been waking up early and breakfast has been simple yet delicious. We then work from about 9-10:30. We have made great progress on the foundation of the school and TSW workers are now laying rock and putting in support beams.

On Monday (6/24) we were fortunate enough to visit a local ceremony that only happens twice a year. The ceremony is done before planting starts and is used as a way to ensure a good farming season. The ceremony was an eye-opening experience and it was great to witness another culture.



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