Enrollment is now open for 2025! Apply today to reserve your space.
Ginny Thorsen
19th of June, 2022
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Final Thank You
Dear Sandro, thank you so much for all of the hospitality that you have offered us. You are truly a great person and have made our time in Rancho Quemado awesome. The tour of the cocoa farm and making the chocolate was an amazing experience to understand working with nature. The planting really helped with...
The Panama II crew arrived safely in Panama last night. Today they will explore Panama City to learn more about the context for their Field Study. This afternoon they will be flying from Panama City to Bocas Del Toro where they will meet with the Give and Surf team for the program introduction.
The travel journal will be the place for students to share their experiences while traveling. Once the students are on-site, they are asked to post reflections, observations, pictures, stories, poems, and more. Our whole community appreciates the opportunity to be part of the group’s adventure, and as the course comes to an end, each group...