Applications closed for 2024.

Our Last 24 Hours with IPI

Our last days with the KACH kids and Tiriji team were overflowing with joy, laughter and love. Beyond continuing to build together shoulder-to-shoulder, we played games, snapped silly selfies, swam in the local community center, and finally bonfired together on our last evening. After some heartfelt expressions of gratitude and the impact we’ve had on…

Update From Kenya

This week, our Kenya crew spent time working on a new building project led by IPI’s staff. From hauling cement and bricks to (partially) completing a second floor, our kids have loved every minute spent next to the KACH kids in fellowship and service. Lots of memories (and choreographed dances) have been made, and this…

Learning through Connecting

During all my conversations with the local Kenyans in Meru, I’ve been asked various eye-opening questions about where I am from in America. Their confusion on topics normal to me, such as citizens’ carrying guns, teaches me more than even their answers to my own questions. First and foremost, I’ve learned the importance of peace,…

It’s Possible

Wanted to be sure the scene of students washing and hanging to dry clothes was on record!


The physical labor of creating raised bed gardens also put our crew to bed early! Let’s hope the fruits of their labor are in the form of a student journal entry tomorrow!

Arriving to KACH

The Kenya crew had a powerful presentation from Dr. K today about Tiriji and regenerative leadership. This was followed by some reflections, journaling — and then finally meeting the KACH kids! More detailed updates coming soon.


The crew has arrived.

Welcome to the Kenya Travel Journal

The travel journal will be the place for students to share their experiences while traveling. Once the students are on-site, they are asked to post reflections, observations, pictures, stories, poems, and more. Our whole community appreciates the opportunity to be part of the group’s adventure, and as the course comes to an end, each group…



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