Hello from our safari hotel, Today we said our goodbyes to IPI and drove to the safari lodge. On our way in we spotted a few giraffes and some elephants, a lovely warm welcome from the African animals. After settling in and indulging on the buffet, we laid out by the pool. Our evening drive...
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text letter_spacing=””]The travel journal will be the place for students to share their experience while traveling. Once the students are on-site, they are asked to post reflections, observations, pictures, stories, poems, and more. Our whole community appreciates the opportunity to be part of the group’s adventure, and as the course comes to an end, each...
During our group reflection last night we shared our thoughts on our first week in Quishurani and everyone expressed excitement to return to this mountain village where we had begun forming relationships with community members and establishing a sense of place. We look forward to continued work with this community that welcomed us with warm...