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The Bond That Ties All the Distant Cultures of the World Together


Tommy and Rachel

15th of July, 2018


Peru '18

Today the group returned to Urubamba after a week in Qushurani and a llama trek through to the community of Cancha Cancha. The students will continue to post their reflections on their time, but below is a start, as Tommy shares his thoughts about the first day back in Quishurani and Rachel reflects on a soccer game with the local school kids.
As the sunlight shimmered through the shed’s translucent roof…the meal was served. We sat on colorful Peruvian textiles eating Rufino’s specialty rice-potato-chicken bowl. We were famished after hauling hundreds of rocks to the outline of the coral. This alpine hunger stole our attention as we inhaled our meal without a word. Once finished, conversation began, at first divided by a lingual barrier, but then opened up thanks to the translation skills of Nader and Augustine. The locals of Quishuarani asked in Quechua why we were here in Peru, more specifically Quishuarani. We responded that we wanted an adventure, we wanted to serve, and most importantly, we wanted to learn. Rufino and Ernesto, two Quishuarani natives, joked, “They want to find husbands here.” Laughter erupted in the shed. Someone then asked Ernesto why he was here…he jokingly left the shed, even perhaps with a swagger of sorts. Smiles were then shared between Quishuarnani locals and American teenagers. The language of humor and joy was utilized in this moment. It is this kind of expression that allowed me to recognize the overwhelming connection within all of humanity: the most different of people are often more similar than dissimilar. This is the bond that ties all the distant cultures of the world together.
I was once told I was a natural born athlete and that was proven in Quiswarani while playing soccer with the school kids. I scored 2 goals! The most I have ever scored in my life! The kids were ecstatic and loved the new goals we made for them. There was so much energy on the field and I think we all burned each other out. It was so exciting to see the joy on the kids’ faces while we were playing with them. Rachel
We are thrilled to have the entire group back in good health and together once again. We will enjoy a day trip to Machu Picchu tomorrow and begin reflecting on our time in rural communities.



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