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Systems Thinking, Infectious Smiles


14th of July, 2022


Panama II '22

Travel Journal

  Today was a beautiful day in Panama! Our group started off with a short beach hike where we quickly became friends with three local dogs. We swam in the blue water which we all really enjoyed. The beach swim was followed by a group reflection in which we talked about our presence on Bastimentos. We talked about pros and cons of systems oriented thinking, looked back on how we have spent our time, planned our future activities, and expressed how we wanted to spend our time to make the most of the day.

Later in the day, we all went to the community center. At the Bastimentos center we were able to bring the kids down to the beach for the first time. It was a beach trip filled with games of tag, breaking coconuts open and excitement. Seeing the kids with infectious smiles on their faces made all of us super happy. We ended the day with group bonding and ice cream. We were having a great time and it lasted hours til our bedtime.

We can’t wait for what’s to come in Panama!


~By Sydney & Harper



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