Something that’s always bothered me is our society’s need for everything (and everyone) to be groundbreaking and extraordinary at each moment in order for the activity or person to be noteworthy. This leads to raging disappointment (at least for me) when I am a part of something that doesn’t shout “impressive!” However, as I’ve grown older, I’ve learned that not every action has to be extravagant to be meaningful and important. A common theme in our group’s blogposts have been the small actions that make a difference.
We did not start the work on the fourth grade classroom and we were not the first teachers the students in Ometepe Bilingual School had. Most likely, we will not finish building the entirety of the fourth grade classroom. Likewise, we will not be the last people to teach these receptive students. However, SSTS is here to make a small difference and to teach us what Daniela Papi spoke about in her Ted talk: learning how to help in future situations and not trying to be a narcissistic hero that pats the self on the back.
Today was the first day my group (filled with John, Jaxon, Sophia, and Maddy) did not work with the children. John, Sophia, and I mixed cement. It was a grueling repetitive work that was made worse because the volcano-styled pile reminded me of my favorite desssert: Chili’s molten lava cake. As it went on, we got better. Our group got a considerable amount mixed, in my mind. However, after three days of the group collectively we haven’t even finished the base of the building. But I still feel great (blaring back ache aside) because we’re making small steps and learning the process. We aren’t worried about the end result or whether or not we can shovel as fast. We’re gathering tools to continue to help, either back here, or other places, and even though it’s not perfect or finished, it’s there and it feels amazing.
P.S. I just want everyone to know the sunset was beyond stunning tonight