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Phnom Penh to Kratie to Koh Thnot



28th of June, 2019


Cambodia '19

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text letter_spacing=””](written on 27th)

Since yesterday was the last day of staying with our own roommates, everyone was kind of in a sad mood to leave the Golden Gate Hotel that had been with us for the past 3 days. Also, no more convenient laundries made us miss the hotel more and more! We all gathered up in the lobby at 7:30 am, getting ready to face another 6 hours of the journey that was coming up. It was a bit early for all of us to ride a bus at that time, most of us fell asleep on the bus. However, when we were passing the boundary of the town and the rural, basically we were on the bumpy road, everybody woke up! While crossing the bridge made up of the combination of metal and wood, it was too shaky that made us pop out of the seats that we were sitting on. There was Mekong river flowing under us and it was actually entertaining but a bit nervous when someone shouted out that we might end up our travel right now if the bridge falls down apart! After we went through three to five bouncy bridges, lots of dust wind was flying toward us. The houses were elevated with wood sticks and those constructions were built intentionally to avoid the floods. Also, they had stairs to climb up to the house. The roof was long enough to make sure that the sunlight wasn’t coming into the house, making the shade. I was surprised by the variety of colors houses consisted of. 

We were really appreciated by the bus driver who was with us all the time starting from the first drive in Cambodia and noticed that he’s not going to be with us anymore.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]



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