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20th of June, 2024
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Uncomfortable. I know some would like me to sugar coat it and market this trip in a way so that more people will come, but this trip was uncomfortable. While uncomfortable might seem like a weird way to describe this trip, I’d like to bring up something Neil Christansen (founder of Give + Surf) mentioned...
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text letter_spacing=””]It’s hard to believe that our time in Tijuana, México has already come to an end. In just a few short hours, we’ll cross the border on foot and end up back in the United States. It is baffling to think about just how easy this process is for us, our greatest obstacle being...
This morning we went over to the station and picked up trash on the beach. We learned from Juan that beaches in Costa Rica are full of trash from all over the world because their labels are in several different languages. After retrieving the trash we sorted it into reusable bottle caps, bottles, cans and everything...