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22nd of June, 2019
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Seeing the Struggle and the Beauty
There’s a specific allegory that was written by Plato, or maybe it was Socrates or some other old white guy who had way too much time on his hands, either way it’s one killer allegory. It’s called the cave allegory and it opens with three prisoners. These three prisoners are chained to a wall and...
Quinn: One week ago today we were all awkwardly lounging in the Miami Airport. Silence was one of the favorite activities. It’s weird how now we play card games and connect on deeper levels. It takes time for most things to become better. For example: wine, indie films, naps. But it took less than a...
From the satellite phone, our Peru crew reports, “All good after 15k trek. Settled into Cancha Cancha. At llama breeders house. Amazing hike!” Once the full group is back together on Friday, we hope to post more reflections and photos. Again, due to the remote nature of the program, we are limited to short updates...