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06th of July, 2017
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Wheel Barrows, Pavers, and Justin Bieber
This week, I have earned a few new bruises and a few new rips in my previously brand-new pants. Whether it was moving sand from point A to point B, or following “uncle” Silas’s paver pattern, I am always left with a little something. Most often, it’s not a tear or a cut, but a...
Today we continued with our training by doing speed work. Our Kenyan coach Abel created a challenging workout for us to do on the dirt roads thoughhout the Kithoko community. It was a tough workout of timed intervals at race pace or “fartlek.” We jogged back to Tiriji Ecocenter as a group and enjoyed a...
Our Cambodia ’19 crew has been hard at work on helping to build a new school. During some time off today, they had the chance to interview some local teenagers about what the local school is like.