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19th of June, 2024
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Day 1
The day started at 7:a.m wake-up and breakfast at 8 of eggs and toast. with a 9:00 a.m. departure time. Our first visit was to the Maras salt pools. After the Maras salt pools, it was a short bus ride to the moray valley to look at some ancient ‘laboratory’ where the Incans experimented with...
At the beginning of this trip i set out the goal to develop the following: gratitude for the experience, humility, and understanding of Bocas del Torro and the people that live here. Gratitude has come to me the most naturally. I am grateful for this experience, for being able to see such a beautiful part...
Musings on Day 1 of our Trek As we had our last breakfast at Munaychay, I couldn’t help but think of the great memories we’ve all made with the kids, the tías, and the German volunteers here At Munaychay. Saying goodbye was extremely bitter sweet. On the one hand, I’d like to stay for a...