I am currently writing this while watching the people of Kenya laughing and playing soccer with the Americans. The simplicity here is so very happy, and I have loved every moment of this journey. Earlier today was session two of the New Generation Leadership conference. During the session this morning, we talked about the things that give us the most joy in life, the moments when time ceases to exist. We then talked about these things that gave us joy. I thought about this question and knew that what I found joy in was helping, loving, and playing with children. Cultivating loving relationships with not only children, but human beings bring me great happiness. The reason for this being is that I feel helping and creating a healthy and happy foundation for a child is so crucial to their happiness later on in life. I want to be a part of that so the children have a solid base to support them through the ups and downs of life. Being here at KACH has led me to realize that a little love can go a long way. In the afternoon session today, we were asked “what is holding you back from following your heart?” We were given 20 minutes to write down our burdens. I never want to disappoint anyone, and I feel if I go my own way I may do that. As I sat there on top of Tiriji writing down these “burdens”, I looked up at the lush and mountainous landscape of Kenya. My burdens were forgotten and my mind was filled with peace. To many more happy days in Kenya.