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First Impressions


Kyla B

17th of July, 2024


Panama '24

Today was the first official day of our Panama trip! Despite the heat and humidity, I really enjoyed our boat ride to Bocas Del Toro. I’m really happy that everyone has learned a lot about each other already. My favorite part of today was meeting all of the kids at the Cristobál school. I was able to speak a lot of Spanish and practice the language. It really stood out to me how excepting all the kids were of strangers staying in their home. I was able to speak to a lot of of the kids and they seem to enjoy having conversations with all of us. It really inspired me to get out of my comfort zone and and begin opening up about myself to the kids and the other volunteers on the trip. The boat ride to the island was also so fun and was the coolest part of the day – literally – because of the wind. I have so excited to be here and learn about the culture of the people in different places.



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