* This is another post written before the group left Mukli and began their trek but that we did not receive until a couple days after it was written.
Hello everyone! My name is Zella and I will be telling the story of day 10. As a bonus, we got to sleep in! Our group started off by doing a little bit of lens work. We talked about how things are vs. how things ought to be. Currently we are in Mukli, a few problems we have identified is inconsistent electricity (although the locals seems to get by without it!) and how it affects the school / teachers. Another issue is the just the lack of supplies that the students and teachers have to use for education. It really made us think about how fortunate we are in the states. Around 10 am we got the chance to go interact with the students in their classrooms. Many of us taught the children a variety of games. We also there in math tricks and teaching some English vocabulary. By lunchtime, all of the school students from the school and from our group were running around and laughing together. The way we interacted with these students has been an unforgettable experience. I know that we all made an impact on the kids and they did the same for us.
The school then had a closing ceremony for us. They gave us a beautiful send off with flower necklaces and traditional Katas. Some students also performed dances. By the end of the ceremony, everyone was up on their feet dancing to local Nepali music. It’s these moments that will always have a special place in our hearts.
After the farewell, the principal welcomed us into his office for tea. A few of the students followed us down to the volleyball courts. While some of us we locked in to an intense volleyball game with us and local students, others ran around with the young girls singing songs and playing games. There were 3 children from the school, Unise, Dimple and Srya who stuck with our group throughout our whole stay. I know that each one of them touched our hearts in a different way. We have developed so many amazing friendships here, and it will be hard to say goodbye tomorrow.