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01st of July, 2016
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Someone Please Ship Me Chili's Desserts (And Other Thoughts)
Something that’s always bothered me is our society’s need for everything (and everyone) to be groundbreaking and extraordinary at each moment in order for the activity or person to be noteworthy. This leads to raging disappointment (at least for me) when I am a part of something that doesn’t shout “impressive!” However, as I’ve grown...
There’s a specific allegory that was written by Plato, or maybe it was Socrates or some other old white guy who had way too much time on his hands, either way it’s one killer allegory. It’s called the cave allegory and it opens with three prisoners. These three prisoners are chained to a wall and...
I woke up at 8 am and had some breakfast with the group. Some of them had woken up a bit earlier than me, but there was no rush to start the day. After breakfast, we all went on a tour of the farm and ended up on top of a huge boulder where...