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02nd of July, 2017
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My Second Home
So here we are, day 10, and so much has changed between the first few days in Playa Gigante and now. On our first day when we were assigned homestays, I was given a very limited amount of time to freak out about who and where I was going to be living with for the...
I went to Detroit, a big city known for its steep fall into bankruptcy, and being left to oversee their own reconstruction. A city not defined by their population, economy, or diversity, but by the hope that the citizens still have after everything that has happened. That’s pretty unconventional if you ask me. I...
From the satellite phone, our Peru crew reports, “All good after 15k trek. Settled into Cancha Cancha. At llama breeders house. Amazing hike!” Once the full group is back together on Friday, we hope to post more reflections and photos. Again, due to the remote nature of the program, we are limited to short updates...