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16th of August, 2023
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Pushing Ourselves in Unexpected Ways
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text letter_spacing=””]This morning I eagerly volunteered to write today’s blog not knowing I would ultimately have something very embarrassing to write about, but we’ll get to that later. We started the morning bright and early at 7 am with breakfast at 8. After breakfast, we traveled to an elephant sanctuary. There we heard the heartbreaking...
In the early morning of Nepal, the giggles of girls a floor below us SSTS members ring throughout the house. A bell chimes for breakfast,older girls help the younger ones get ready for school, and Krishma is leading it all. Young in spirit and at heart, Krishma is capable of instilling confidence and self respect...
Hi all! This is Aspen and today is my day as journal girl. Last night we did our home stays and it was an amazing learning experience for all of us. At my home stay I was with Zoe and we stayed with Purity. She had two kids Brenda and Terry. We interacted most with...