Applications closed for 2024.

You can capture a scene, but you can never capture a feeling

The only thing you will always have with you is your mind. On this trip I realized pictures cannot capture the essence and effect of a place; You can capture a scene, but you can never capture a feeling. The vibe that resonates from century old buildings will not reach you through a screen and…

The Sky is the Limit

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text letter_spacing=””]Alex Saadé When I was young, I was told that I could be anything. “The sky is the limit” my Mom would say. I knew this to be true. My teachers always said the same thing to my classmates and me. It was that culture of optimism and ambition that had reinforced all of…

My Hope for Children Everywhere

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text letter_spacing=””]From the very first day of school, Fernanda was my favorite. An energetic and yet contemplative 7-year-old, she had stolen my heart as well as most of my pencils. She was a star student and a little bit of a diva; her English skills were rivaled only by her confidence. The yellow clips she…


Opportunity. While this word does have an objective definition, I see it as more of a subjective concept. I embarked on this trip because I wanted to create opportunities for people who were less fortunate than myself. After being in Nicaragua for a little over a week, I realized that I’m not here to create…

A Smile And A Watermelon

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text letter_spacing=””]After classes end and the kids are ready to go home, we get into groups and the kids point us to which side of the island they live on. Today I walked Cristal and Johari home, they live to the left of Hacienda Merida. A LOT to the left. With no street names, it’s…

Our first day teaching

Today was our first day with the cutest bundles of joy I have ever met. I learned many new things whether they had to do with Spanish or how different our lives are. To start off, when I arrived to the bottle-built school, I noticed the lack of doors. All of the wonderful classrooms are…



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