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Be Ready to Listen



13th of July, 2019


Kenya '19

And here we are, we’ve made it to the end of our journey. We started our last full day with three knocks on our door at 5:45 to head out for a morning safari drive. Although we did not see as many exciting animals as we did last night, consisting of zebras, a lion, a cheetah, many elephants, giraffes and more, we were pleasantly surprised to wake up after an afternoon nap to an elephant standing right outside of our rooms. Almost all of us emerged from our rooms, others coming from the pool, at the same time to greet and admire the majestic animal. We stood right up against the fence, the elephant standing just on the other side. Our group along with the other guests were watching the large mammal in awe gently interact with it’s surrounding. Differing from the cheetah, the elephant did not appear to be affected by our presence. After spending over half an hour standing underneath and next to the large body, elephants are my new favorite animal.

Seeing this elephant up close makes me realize how amazing these animals are, and how important it is that we make an effort to support the lives of these animals and their habitat.

Now the day is over and we will make our departure from this amazing country tomorrow. It’s a sad goodbye to Kenya and our group. As a group, we’ve come so far compared to when we first arrived at the airport: awkward and quiet. Now, we’re rowdy and it’s amazing how close we all are and how we’re easily able to support each other. From this trip, I have gained both friends and knowledge. Ask any of us about our experience, but be ready to listen. All of us have become more confident in understanding how to create our life paths, for we have grown immensely.

We will see you all soon



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