[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text letter_spacing=””]All nine of us, including Luke, Chelsey, Julia, Ainsley, Alexa, Henry, Eva, Kevin, and Nikki, made it to China! Despite our luggage being fashionably late, we had a great afternoon, starting with a delicious, Chinese lunch – a great way to start the course. After some downtime, we regained enough energy to get us through the rest of the day. We walked from our hostel to an old part of town, lined with stalls for shopping. The bustling crowds and vivacious colors and smells combined to create a memorable early interaction with this new and unfamiliar culture. As we observed the country around us, we made our way to a market where more Tibetans live. Though the two markets were only separated by a few streets, we all noticed several differences. We concluded our first day with another great meal and after this long day, we are looking forward to a good night’s sleep.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]