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09th of July, 2016
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Pine Ridge Commentary
On the first day of this course, we learned that the children’s camp was canceled. Bewildered and disappointed, the instructors engaged their thirteen years of experience leading the Pine Ridge course to create a meaningful program in ethical leadership. The first lesson was handed to us in the news of the canceled camp: how to...
– I saw an ostrich today and that’s enough to make me happy. Oh yeah, and I swam for the first time in 3 years. -We got to swim in the most beautiful oasis that no one would expect to be there! – I really wanted to see a rhino today and was disappointed that we did...
So many different experiences and stories have already been made on this trip, so it is not so easy to pick one day. If I had to choose, I would say both days where we hiked up a mountain are top on my list of my favorite memories that I will take home with me....