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28th of July, 2024
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Welcome to the San Diego II Travel Journal
The travel journal will be the place for students to share their experiences while traveling. Once the students are on-site, they are asked to post reflections, observations, pictures, stories, poems, and more. Our whole community appreciates the opportunity to be part of the group’s adventure, and as the course comes to an end, each group...
Hello, back home! Our first full day in San Diego is coming to a close and we have already learned so much. We started our day riding the trolley to Old Town where our incredible host Alex Gomez taught us some of the history of California, including the impact of the Mormon church in fortifying...
Our CI’s have reported that students have begun their project work planting trees to restore land in the town of Dora. Spirits are high and the scenery is stunning. Working alongside our NGO partner students have really begun to “dig in.”