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16th of July, 2018
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One Week Later
Quinn: One week ago today we were all awkwardly lounging in the Miami Airport. Silence was one of the favorite activities. It’s weird how now we play card games and connect on deeper levels. It takes time for most things to become better. For example: wine, indie films, naps. But it took less than a...
Today we went to a special museum called the S-21 prison museum. The museum was an old high school that was turned into a prison/torture area when the Khmer Rouge took over Cambodia. The museum was truly eye-opening, showing all of us the horrible things that the Khmer Rouge did to innocent people, people that...
We just heard from the group that they are settling into their hostel Bocas. After a morning exploring Panama City they arrived in Bocas and met Emily Talentino, Executive Director of Give and Surf. We will be back with more detailed updates and photos from the students this week.