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The Cambodian Rural development team


Who they are

The Cambodian Rural Development Team (CRDT) was founded in 2001 by student volunteers from the first generation educated after the fall of the Khmer Rouge. CRDT was officially registered as an NGO in 2005, with the original founding members still involved in its management and governance. Currently, the organization has around 40 staff members working closely with communities in northeastern Cambodia.

What they do

CRDT supports the conservation of critically endangered dolphins and the protection of tropical forest biodiversity. They provide sustainable community development programs to over 6000 families. These programs focus on food security, income generation, sanitation, renewable energy and environmental education. Their entrepreneurship development programs helps communities empower themselves.

Why they do it

Livelihoods in Cambodia are climate-dependent, especially as the rural poor overwhelmingly rely on a single crop: rice. Diversification means more choice for farmers, as well as increased food security. By helping farmers generate income from surplus agricultural produce, farmers have disposable income for education and healthcare and are less dependent on natural resources.

SStS’s role

While in Cambodia, the SStS group will support CRDT’s education initiatives in the rural village of Koh Chraeng on the Mekong River. Participants will help with construction projects that will improve the local elementary school.


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